The year is 2105. True cyberspace has begun in the form of the neural-net, where humans
interface their consciousness to a virtual world. Helix Carone, a key programmer for the company that created the
neural-net is now on the run, having sold the companys' source-code on the black-market.
He’s hiding out in the LA Fire Zone, an irradiated area now infested with tech gangs and littered with societies outcasts.
Once financially able, Helix plans to get his biometrics altered and return to ’utopian’ society,
but then something throws his plans into chaos. Alpha Two, an android built by the same company has escaped from
the Lunar One research facility and is being hunted by the International Security Agency.
Helix alone knows who is responsible for the android’s sabotage. In time he will join Alpha Two's mission, eventually discovering just how entwined the saboteur had plotted their future together...
Chapters 1 to 5 below (Chapter 6 is skipped, then Chapter 7 introduces the key character of the novel, an eleven year old girl named Peppi).
Chapter 1 is written in 'present-tense' format for intended immediacy.
1st November 2105
Helix Carone takes a calming breath, long and deep, and
steps from the safety of his apartment lobby. The riveted and reinforced steel
doors automatically bolt lock behind him. Although the sky is overcast with
heavy cloud, his eyes strain against the sudden change from artificial light.
For the past forty-eight hours he has been pinned to his computer console
staring at software code.
Suddenly he is grabbed from behind and thrown back
against the door. “The darkness slithers within us all!” says the man grasping
Helix’s chest and holding him against the steel. His eyes are sunken and
distant, his skin wrinkled well beyond his years. Helix knocks the hands away
and in the same movement throws the man to the ground.
Helix stands over the man and notices psychstim nodes
pasted to the man’s forehead. “Time to see the light my friend,” Helix says as
he rips the psychstim from the man’s skin and throws it onto the cement. “Or
at least—get back a little rational thought.” He crunches the psychstim
underfoot leaving the man to gaze at his loss.
Helix’s heart is racing as he touches the cold shaft of
his gun for some reassurance and glances into the distance. Before him the
streets lay in wait; dark bodies hustling for transactions. He starts along the
sidewalk with pace, hoping not to attract the attention of the peddlers and
laments to himself, another day in the Fire Zone, redundant time.
The irradiated and discarded CBD of LA and a large
surrounding area, now known as the Fire Zone, is left to its own decline
under the rule of its disenchanted citizens, referred to as levelers.
Stale pungent smells permeate the air, skin and clothes washed by rain alone.
Helix hears the usual talk on the streets; a steady din of chat, discussions of
numbers and figures, wares and drugs accompanied by the occasional buzz of a
passing shuttle.
This walk Helix has made countless times before but it
never gets any easier. The best he can hope for is to continue uninterrupted.
Most don’t bother Helix. Most recognize him by his tattered clothing as a
kindred soul, just another cashless leveler.
A dark body steps from the side of a building towards
Helix. “I got clips, whatever you need.” The man holds at arm’s length a
straight piece of wood with three columns of colorful
neural clips dangling within individual clear plastic sleeves. Helix brushes
the merchandise aside. A shuttle then stops at the kerb giving the man
something more promising to concentrate his craft on.
The levelers consist of all life forms surplus to
requirements in the real world, life seeping away through charred distant
memories. Some burn out and turn into walking corpses that nobody would
recognize. Others manage to persist and display their wares out of old shopping
trolleys, pushing neural technology for sale at its lowest ebb—technology built
to interface directly to the psyche. Illegal psychstims, neural-caps and at a
dime a dozen, neural sim clips to send the more adventurous on a trip to see Alice.
The weaker members of the leveler
population start a downward spiral into Zone subculture. They paste their
foreheads with grey microform nodes—neural junkies wearing psychstims wherever
they go, the cheapest hit on the street, the hardware cheaper than a pair of
shoes and powered by body temperature. After a while the brain starts to
adjust, so the junkie adjusts the stim until it fails to give satisfaction. So
then they sell it and turn to old-fashion pill poppers and before they know it
they're asking Lucy where reality is.
Helix is dressed in tattered clothing for good reason, to
blend in to the dull Fire Zone background. The truth belies the disguise. He is
a member of the Zone elite, the scum at the top affording the luxury of the watchful
eye of the Zone Security System. The Fire Zone’s big brother.
A grim looking peddler steps towards him, so Helix steps
onto the road, his leveler disguise now in vain.
“Easy brother.” The man also steps onto the road to
obstruct Helix. “You look like a man with some desire. You want some neural
action? I got the latest stims on the street.”
“Not interested,” Helix replies, pushing the man slightly
and forcing him to walk sideways.
“You want some pills, comrade?”
“I told you—what you got, I don’t want.”
“Hey! C’mon! Try this stim—two
seconds and your Zone is paradise.” The pusher holds out a soiled hand peppered
with psycho bullshit tattoos, grasping the tiny psychstim nodes next to purple
knuckles. “Come on man—stick it to ya head—I ain’t gonna charge ya to try.
Two-forty for the stim, nobody cheaper than me in the Zone—try it.”
Helix’s right hand is already sweating on the steel of
his gun inside his jacket pocket and now he coils his index finger around the
trigger and says, “I'm on the level—you bother me again we'll see how a small
piece of lead stimulates your circuits.”
“Hey—hey,” replies the man raising both hands slightly in
the air as if Helix already has the weapon pointing at him. The man retreats to
a group standing on the side walk. “No problem conquistador—you on some fucking
other level!”
Today, Helix thought, the Zone is giving me
too much goddamn attention! Even dressed like shit, I can’t walk out here
hassle-free. Do I dress worse and act like these rejects? Helix paused. No
He returns to the sidewalk where, at times, shards of
glass crack beneath his shoes, areas not yet slept upon. Many of the buildings
have little in the way of glass windows remaining. If the dirty bombs hadn't
smashed them, then the new inhabitants did, anything to kill the time. The
radiation has subsided enough to make the Zone barely habitable for those on
the run, the crooks and the homeless now slung together in a melting pot set to
boil over.
And so there he is. Yet another day in hell, Helix
Carone, his identity and everything that makes him biologically Helix Carone
prevents him from living in the real world, the monitored world. His biometrics
are sampled and the systems are in place to track his every movement. The LA
Fire Zone—of all places—is now his safe-haven. The company he once worked
diligently for, Bioscope—with all its power and resources—won’t
bother infiltrating the Zone. Instead, they will wait. Wait until circumstances
force Helix to resurface most likely somewhere in the mid west. Helix Carone
wouldn't last long in the Zone, he's too soft and they knew it. For
selling off Bioscope source-code he will pay the ultimate price, an agent of
their internal security unit—Stella—will take him out, teach the others a
He continues along the sidewalk occasionally stepping
over beggars, some disfigured by the radiation. Helix would like to help them,
throw them loaded cash-clips, but then he wouldn't last two seconds. Money is
no problem for Helix, his personal identification is. Once
financially able, he plans to source a professional ID agent, get his
biometrics altered and return to living free. At only twenty eight, he is
Bioscope's most wanted.
He is of an average height and slim build. His hair is
dark and thick and his jaw line stubbled providing him the harder image that is
required on the street, but today, it just isn’t
“Hey! You want something to knock out the girls? Got a
semdex—cost ya sixty.”
“Go hassle an external.”
Semdex? Helix recalls an early Zone memory where he
was knocked out by the drug. That's how he had met his
business partner—Marlow. Helix had only been in the Zone for forty-eight hours.
Marlow had been surprised when he recognized Helix's face from a Time
magazine article on Bioscope's neural-net team. Marlow had monitored Helix from
across a bar and watched as a Zone low-life made her move. The tart had sat
next to Helix and dropped a crushed semdex into his glass when he was unaware.
Apparently, once he was out cold, she began sifting through Helix’s pockets.
She thought she had hit lucky when she found the ZX1 utility gun, outdated
Stella issue, lucky until Marlow tickled the side of her head with his standard
Zone issue. According to Marlow she had froze. Marlow had then asked her where
her accomplice was in return for keeping the lug in the chamber. She had
pointed to a skinny man with a shaved head covered in tattoos looking directly
back from the bar. Marlow called the tattoo-head to join them in the seat
opposite, and that was that—until Zone Security arrived and took Helix
somewhere to recover and get signed up.
That was two years ago, a memory Helix
now puts aside as he turns into a side alley and finally arrives at his
destination, somewhere safe. A steel plate inscribed 'Zone Security
Members Only' is affixed to a black nanocarb reinforced door. Helix gazes into
a scanner embedded to its left. The inconspicuous bar entrance opens just wide
enough to let him in. Inside shadows dance from the light of a six-foot video
hologram at the far side providing a slight contrast to amber lights that hang
low over round empty tables. Helix walks to the bar, acknowledging
Charlie the barman, who promptly pours him his usual before moving on and
stands behind his business partner—Marlow; an unshaven scruff of a man with
shoulder-length hair. He is sitting at one of the dimly lit tables and Helix
listens to what he is saying.
“I got two words for you, evolution and
reality. Darwin went to the final point of evolution, that is here and now.
That's not far enough! How old is the universe?” Marlow didn’t wait long enough
for an answer. “Pretty damn old. So here's how I see it—reality. Here we are
lugging these colossal masses of matter around, when the neural-net has proved
that we can exist in the same reality, but with minimal energy. The whole
universe could be condensed from a conscious point of view and powered on a 12-volt
battery. Now it seems pretty damn evident that conservation of energy is real
fucking important—so I put it to you; the Sun burns
out, the conscious planet condenses into a virtual world where the same laws of
physics apply. Then, this mini planet containing all our souls—a seed,
is propelled by the exploding Sun to another younger solar system.”
“Spaceship Earth,” says a large, bald
man from the opposite side of the table, his face resembling a bulldog.
Marlow immediately slaps the table. “Yep! Spaceship
Helix steps forward from the shadows and says, “And who's
running this spaceship?”
Marlow looks up at Helix, surprised to see him having
realized Helix had been listening to one of his lectures. “The operating
system. What is a man's best friend?”
“A dog,” replies the man.
“Exactly—reversed God. God is the frickin operating
“So we're a reality within a reality?” asks Helix as he
takes a seat between the two.
“Within a reality, within a reality, within a reality…”
“Jesus—think I'm gonna need a stim, you’ve given me a
headache,” comments the man leaning forward on the table and rubbing his head.
“Well, you've obviously been here a while, Marz,” says
“Now the system has left some fingerprints. Take three
“Not again, Marz.”
“Italy, Brazil and Ireland—what do they have in common,
apart from being predominantly R.C.?”
The burly man shrugs his shoulders, forcing a large
underlip to protrude.
“Seriously Marz! You finished?” snaps Helix extending a
hand towards the man and introducing himself. “Helix.”
“Sven. Pleasure,” the man replies.
“My Zone accomplice in crime and I should add, the
Zone's—correction—the world’s number one neural-net jack-hammer, Helix Carone,”
says Marlow, forcing himself upright on his seat. “Sven's an old friend, he and
I used to squat down on main…three?…four years ago?”
“Yeah ‘bout four.”
“Sven's been outta town for two years, tried making a go
of it in the real world, working the shuttle lines—boss pissed him off one too
many times.”
“What happened to boss man?” asks Helix.
“Don't ask,” replies Marlow.
Sven cracks his fingers. “Back here beats living in the
Helix thought about the comparison. “Well, there's plenty
in the Zone who’d argue with you on that.”
“Sure—but I'm not some junkie joining the leveler spiral!”
“A small walk to this place just reminded me how much I
want out. Sounds like you've got plans.”
“I won't bother asking what and for whom—no doubt for a
Zone set.”
“Bringin' in an endless supply of X clips.”
Helix tsked, shaking his head. “People have cardiacs
from that shit and still they do it.”
Marlow interjects. “Adrenaline junkies.”
“Yeah—like you,” laughs Helix.
Marlow leans back in his chair and clasps his hands
behind his head. “Now a man needs his kick
out of an occasional X clip. See, now I have a pretty good
understanding of how I would react to having some axe-wielding psycho in my
“Yeah, you mud your pants and jack out, 'fraid you can't
do that in the real world Marz—except perhaps mud your pants.”
Marlow returns a blank face.
“And talking of clips, here's the update.” Helix reaches
into his breast pocket and removes a software clip passing it to Marlow.
“That's it? Not another—penultimate?”
“That's it—finito, I'm sick of the damned code.”
“What's that?” asks Sven.
“The fait accompli, our finished product. Software
to accompany our next shipment of neural-caps to the masses,” Helix replies
adding, “Two satellites coming in tomorrow—think they'll take the lot.”
Sam was now certain that something was wrong with the Alpha
Two android that required further investigation. Convincing the senior engineer
that the droid should be pulled from the work schedule of the next shift was
going to be like trying to incorrectly convince a physicist that gravity was
actually a form of energy. The senior engineer’s reaction was going to be one
step from nuclear detonation. Sam punched his keyboard to time-shift the next
project module and compensate for the lost productivity of having one of the
five androids absent on the scheduled shift.
The interior of the maintenance bay, like all the others,
was circular with instrumentation panels on the inner walls of the dome. Sam's
console was perched up a few steps overlooking the five tables where the
androids were reset in sleep mode: two superior Alpha model droids dressed in
navy anti-dust suits and three Delta model droids wearing orange. They lay
dormant. Neat synthetic hair, eyes closed, silent and still, breathless. Inside
their minds dream folding renditions of fake pasts. Their past lives that had never
existed. Engineered memories linking and disengaging for interrogation—silent
self analysis coercing logic into an improved condition.
Sam decided to give Spectra one more try. “Spectra—project
Alpha Two's current dream sequence.”
“Unable to interface with Alpha Two,” replied
Spectra calmly in a soft female voice.
“Damn!” Sam yelled slapping his hands either side of the
console and standing up with speed enough to lift him into a low orbit. The
floor energized ensuring his feet didn’t leave the surface.
“Spectra! Shutdown Alpha Two!”
“Alpha Two now comatosed.”
The report Sam had requested from Spectra was complete; a
hologram of text hung over the console in front of him, a chrome reflected
nightmare. The results were bewildering. Highlighted in red were words such as 'Non-construct
dream state' and 'Vivid real life situations not concurrent with Spectra
construct implementation.' He glanced over the report, switching back to
the top hoping some better reasoning would form, but it didn’t. Spectra was
informing him that Alpha Two had experiences that were not simulated during any
phase of its AI construct development. Mulling that over, he made his way
across the alloy steps and exited the maintenance bay. Once through the tubular
sun-soaked tunnel to the central dome, he summoned the de-elevator to board the
rotating Gravispace. The de-elevator was the only method for gaining access to
the living quarters of Lunar One.
Sam considered his next, and hopefully last,
confrontation with the senior engineer in relation to the Alpha Two android. “Haynes
is gonna be pissed,” he muttered to himself as the de-elevator accelerated
around the outer shell of the Gravispace.
The obstinate Alex Haynes often criticised Sam’s abilities
as an android engineer. Alpha Two had become a contentious issue over the past
month. Haynes wasn’t interested, opting to side with the analytical reports
from Spectra rather than using rational human judgement. If the android was
compromised then, in all likelihood, so was Spectra, and here was the burning
proof that Sam required.
Sam considered his own promotion. A carefully selected
employee trained by Bioscope, his knowledge and technical prowess could gain
him much reward back on Earth, which was probably why they sent him.
On Earth, many were of the opinion that Bioscope
controlled the planet. All communication systems ran through Bioscope software.
Neural-net technology was Bioscope’s invention, the ability to interface
unobtrusively to the human psyche. Bioscope owned and controlled cyberspace.
True Strong Artificial Intelligence was first achieved by Bioscope scientists
and now, finally, the ban was lifted on autonomous AIs. Artificial Intelligence
with the ability to move and interact with the outside world. With the
implementation of the Spectra Monitoring and Control System, it was believed
that all the necessary security requirements were met, therefore the more
cumbersome Virtual Reality Machines—VRMs could be replaced with androids,
perfect for completing the construction of the Lunar One research facility.
The hum. The repetitive, constant hum of
the revolving Gravispace keeping the occupants pinned to their beds as it revolved
at two cycles per minute mimicking Earth's gravity. Adrift on the hum, the
senior engineer, Alex Haynes, was enjoying a dream. He was half-cut in the back
of his Grandpa’s Ford Gamma after a night with the boys in Detroit. His brother—Frankie driving, having disconnected the auto-engage on Grandpa's
approval—he never liked
the damn shuttle conversions anyway.
Haynes awoke from his sleep to a jostling that added to
the pure adrenaline generated by those free-wheeling hills and bends. “Look out…!”
Frankie almost hit a stump.
“Wha? What!” Haynes sat up abruptly, clenching the
remaining few follicles of a receding hair line, but careful not to hit his
head on the upper bunk.
“Shift’s up,” said Sam, knowing Haynes wouldn't be happy
about missing out on the extra twenty minutes of sleep. “We need to talk.”
Haynes pulled himself up onto his elbows and stared hard,
his mouth and unshaven chin lopped to one side. “Talk?” He glanced at the alarm
clock and frowned. “This better be good.”
Sam leant onto the opposing wall of the tiny cubicle,
careful not to sit on the console deck and apprehensively said, “It's Alpha
Haynes slumped back into the bedding staring vacantly at
the upper bunk. “Alpha Two! Alpha Two this. Alpha Two that. So the fucking
android’s been spooking you again. Is that it, Sam?”
“Worse. Spectra can't interface.”
Haynes twitched his head like something had short fused.
“So? A soft fault. You've run a diagnostic?”
Sam turned to the console and tapped into the keyboard.
“Yes—there's nothing physically wrong, but then Spectra came up with a
whole lot more to concern us, the thing’s been tampered with, I'm sure of it. Spectra
command mode.”
“Ready for command,” came Spectra's reply.
“Display latest précis request on Alpha Two,” said Sam in
a hurry, attempting to provide the facts before Haynes started whining. “It's
all there, Alex—Alpha Two has had real life experiences. We're not just
talking about some jazzed-up AI construct program. All indications from Spectra
are that A2 has had experiences outside of Spectra's control. Real life
Haynes looked towards the hologram, his eyes flicking to
and fro before eventually raising his eyebrows. “OK, you've made your point. Let’s
just keep this quiet, there's no need to panic the other scientists. The
androids are already borderline zombies as far as they’re concerned.”
Haynes swung his legs over the edge of the bed and awkwardly
crouched under the top bunk rubbing his eyes.
“I’ve modified the shift already to compensate A2’s absence.
I’ll head back and start dismantling its cranium.”
“Good,” said Haynes, when he really meant bad.
Sam left the cubicle and made his way along the narrow
corridor of the sleeping quarters, the ever-so-light push on his feet causing
his body to prop upright on the slant of the floor, compensating for the slight
gravitational pull of the moon. In both directions the corridor appeared to
slant upwards due to the fact that it was actually the inner wall of the
Gravispace. He touched a panel to summon the de-elevator. After stepping into
it, the automatic doors closed behind him and he grasped the hand rail in
preparation of the rapid deceleration. When the dead-weight of his body
disappeared the door slid open. He took a weight belt, strapping it around his
waist and returned to the maintenance bay.
The androids were housed in the maintenance bay while on
charge mode. Their twice-daily shift involved working for seven hours, charging
for three and interacting socially for the remaining two in order to further
develop their personality constructs. Their neurotics were ultimately
monitored by Spectra, which in turn was guided by the engineers in situ at
the time. The primary feature of Spectra was the reporting of thought processes
that were not relevant to tasks at hand and should these processes start to
manifest or even turn malicious, the android could be shutdown for construct
reprocessing. The eventual goal was to have the android constructs developed to
the point of perfect trust and reliability and to remove the requirement for
human monitoring of the Spectra system.
Sam entered the maintenance bay and stared at his team of
androids. In a gradual semi-circle the droids lay dormant upon their tables. Retractable
clasps kept them in place and each table was moulded to the contours of their
clothed bodies. Apart from some slight hardware differences between the Alpha
model androids and the Delta models, they should, from a construct—personality
point of view be remarkably similar. Alpha Two however had shown some
peculiarities. It was more observant than Alpha One, far more to the point of
making Sam feel uneasy whenever working alongside the android, it felt human.
Sam recalled how, just two days ago, Alpha Two had remarked to him when they
were alone, ‘You should follow your own instincts Sam, perhaps don’t pay so
much attention to Mr Haynes.’ He had opted not to respond to the android,
but in hindsight wished he did.
Sam stood in the center of the bay facing the tables.
“Spectra initiate upstart sequence.”
“Alpha Two comatosed—do you wish reactivation
of this android?”
“No. Provide visualization of dream sequence prior to
losing your interface with Alpha Two and report your analysis.”
“Alpha Two’s dream state produced unknown memory
feedback different to construct phases that were provided by Spectra. Alpha
Two's dreams contain images and characters of humans in detail, with emotional
states as if it knew them, neither of these character models were implemented
during Alpha Two's construct development.”
Sam looked beyond the tables which were slowly pivoting
upright; Alpha Two's table remained horizontal. A holographic representation of
the android’s dream was projected towards the back wall of the dome.
“Spectra. Are you telling me that Alpha Two has
experienced interactions with real people during construct development?” Not
looking forward to the response, Sam watched the images unfold.
“That conclusion statistically balances at eighty-two
The holographic representation of Alpha Two’s dream
formed a long wide sandy beach, partially overcast by deep purple storm clouds.
Mermaids appeared, as many as a hundred of them randomly rolling their slender
bodies through choppy surf, briefly surfacing before returning to the depths. Above
the horizon, a star, or perhaps Venus, hung within the violet glow of a Sun
that had recently set. Then an old man appeared in the distance. He was stood
at the water’s edge, shiny silver hair tinged purple as the storm billowed and
rushed up behind him. Despite the storm, all was quiet, still; somehow serene. The
purple storm came closer. One of the mermaids began to change into a beautiful
girl, her long flowing hair shining in the purple light as she began to walk
towards the man. The silent storm continued across the beach reaching the old
man and proceeded towards Alpha Two. Gradually the wind began to howl. The
purple changed to grey and then it turned black.
Sam tried to focus on the man and the girl, but they
vanished; the dream sequence ended, leaving only the Spectra signal telling him
that the interface was lost.
“Alpha One and Delta model androids are almost aware,
feedback has ceased.”
The androids glanced at Sam and briefly looked around the
dome and at each other as their clasps released. Sam stood in the center of the
bay and faced the now upright androids, dwarfed by their size.
“OK, head on into the canteen and discuss your job briefs,”
said Sam.
“Is there a problem with Alpha Two?” asked Alpha One, realizing
one of the team was still
on the table.
“Yes, well, no major problem with Alpha Two, we're just replacing
a damaged optic lens. You'll be completing the shift’s module without Alpha Two,”
replied Sam, as the androids stepped past him and proceeded into the canteen
room. The door automatically closed behind them.
Sam stood at the foot of Alpha Two’s table, vacantly
gazing upon the android. He then walked slowly along the right side of the
table, his mind puzzling over some of its displayed peculiarities over the past
month. He stopped level with the android’s chest.
“A2, just what is your story?” he muttered to himself.
Alpha Two lay motionless, the blue hint of electroclasp, eyelids
closed, still and breathless, then the eyes opened.
“Fuck!” Sam jumped backwards as the table clasps
retracted. Alpha Two grabbed Sam by the collar and pulled him against the
“Spectra! Shut down Alpha Two!” Sam shrieked.
“Alpha Two already comatosed,” replied Spectra.
Sam raised his left foot and pushed against the table in
an attempt to break free. The android, still clutching Sam’s collar with its
left hand rolled off of the table.
“Spectra! Emergen—” Sam was gagged with Alpha Two's right hand before he could
finish the
sentence. He began punching at the android’s arm.
“Shhh, I have no reason to harm you,” Alpha Two said.
Sam pulled at the android hard. He twisted and continued
to punch at the android's right arm in an attempt to free his mouth and
instruct Spectra. Alpha Two switched its left hand to the back of Sam's head
and pulled the engineer in closer to restrict the punching. The android then
initiated communication with Spectra, perfectly mimicking Sam's voice.
“Spectra, shut down all droids.”
“All androids comatosed,” replied Spectra.
“You see? I am autonomous of the Spectra system, so why
struggle?” said Alpha Two in its own hollow synthetic voice. It then spoke as if both Sam and Alex Haynes were present in a dual
voice, “Recognize new administrator.”
“Please say Administrator's name...”
“Sphere,” replied the android looking
down at Sam and adding, “Global.”
Sam's energy now drained. A bead of sweat
ran down his left temple, he attempted to say something but the words failed to
materialize. He gazed up at the android.
“Spectra, initiate Sphere character set
upload,” said the droid.
“Information uploaded,” replied Spectra
Sam realized his worst fears; the droid
was king of its own domain—global was an understatement.
“Suspend accounts Sam Petrovic and Alex Haynes.”
“Please state your reason for account
“Security precautions.”
“Please enter Bioscope security code.”
Alpha Two proceeded towards the nearest console—dragging Sam with him, still firmly clasping the technician's
head between both hands. Sam took hold of the android’s arms to ease the strain
on his head. The droid wanted him alive, but for how long?
Sam’s head was pushed back against the chrome door of the
tool cabinet still gagged with the android’s powerful right hand. Alpha Two
reached up to the console deck with its left hand and punched in the code.
“Security code accepted. Accounts of Sam
Petrovic and Alex Haynes suspended.”
With that, the droid released its grip and stood upright,
towering over Sam who sat leaning against the tool cabinet.
“Oh my God…” said Sam. He pushed with his feet away from
Alpha Two along the floor. Trembling, he eased himself up onto his feet and
said, “What the hell are you doing?”
“First, unless you attempt to stop my mission, I have no
reason to harm you. I am not an Alpha model android, my modifier gave me some
enhancements as you are noticing. It's these enhancements that will enable me
to complete my mission.”
“Mission! What mission?”
“Interface complete, Spectra awaiting
binary commands, speech off.”
“Oral comms is so tedious.”
“Who? Who modified you?”
asked Sam easing backwards along the cabinet.
Anticipating the obvious attempt to escape, Alpha Two
leapt forward and grabbed Sam’s lab-coat. The android pulled Sam hard knocking
him off balance and dragged him towards the canteen.
“Who the hell at Bioscope modified you?” Sam yelled. The
android didn’t reply.
As the pair entered the canteen, Alpha Two stepped up to
where Delta One sat, the closest android to the door. Sam was then forced to
sit on the android’s lap. Delta One wrapped its arms around Sam restraining him
Jesus! Sam thought. Alpha Two is controlling these other droids
through Spectra’s interface!
“Now where is Mr Haynes?” Alpha Two muttered in a broken
synthetic drone sending shivers through Sam's body. It left the canteen and Sam
began in earnest to fight against Delta One’s restraint. The more Sam turned
and twisted, the more the droid’s hold intensified. By the time he admitted
defeat, Sam’s ribcage was being crushed and he had to fight to regain his
breath. As he relaxed, the machine lessened its hold.
Alpha Two made its way back to the maintenance area, repositioning
itself upon the table and waited for the senior engineer. It wasn't long.
“Sam, what the hell is going on with the—” said Haynes as he walked through the doors to the
maintenance bay, then slowly added, “...cameras?” He stopped, surprised
not to see the young engineer working on Alpha Two. “Sam! Where the hell are
you?” he called.
Haynes walked cautiously towards the canteen door. He
stared directly at the only visible android through the window, Delta Three. He
glanced back at Alpha Two momentarily then returned to the window. As he
approached the canteen door he could now see the top of Sam's head, hair all
whisked up. Panic struck him. He could see the pale dead color of the android’s
hand pushed up beneath Sam's nose firmly gagging him.
“Spectra! Shutdown all droids! Comatose droids!” he
“Spectra doesn't recognize your voice
pattern, please speak to a Spectra administrator,”
came the reply.
“Jesus!” Haynes yelled and turned to head back to the
exit. In the same instance he could see Alpha Two propping itself up on its
table, arms balancing it like a torpedo before hurling itself across the bay
floor, curling up mid-flight and rotating to catch its prey. The pair crashed
into the side of the tunnel, and at once, Haynes was clamped tight by the
android. Alpha Two then made one push with its leg and propelled the pair back
into the maintenance bay.
Haynes struggled to break-free as Alpha Two dragged him into
the canteen. The android forced the engineer into Alpha One’s lap, then the android
wrapped its powerful arms around Haynes restricting the engineer.
“Christ! What is going on?” yelled Haynes, glaring at
Sam shook his head. “A2 has taken over Spectra. It said
it has a mission to carry out. It’s controlling the other androids through
Both technicians sat and gazed at each other across the
table with questioning eyes, feeling all the more pathetic being stuck in the
laps of machines they had built. Haynes felt the grip loosen and again attempted
to break free before being clamped back down, Sam had already given up. The
engineers both turned to look at Alpha Two who now stood at the head of the
“Gentlemen, you will be my prisoners over the next three
days while I return to Earth, only then will these androids and Spectra be
returned to your control.” Alpha Two smiled, adding, “All your organic requirements
will be accommodated during this period.”
Alpha Two then turned and made its way into the first air
lock of the exit tunnel, the door sealing closed behind. Inside the small dome,
the surrounding wall was attached with five identical sets of equipment and
above each set, the names of each android etched upon plates. Alpha Two
unhooked a jet-pack and clipped it on. All that was required for the droid to escape
into the lunar landscape was the six digit code to open the final air lock,
which had to be punched in from a console inside the maintenance bay. Alpha Two
didn't know the number required, but knew how to get it—the humans would cooperate.
Delta Three entered the maintenance bay and returned with
two sets of neural scan-caps. It then carefully positioned the caps on each of
the technicians’ heads securing the velcro under their chins. The pair struggled
to make the task as difficult as possible, both realizing what Alpha Two was
after. Haynes frantically kicked and wriggled in a vain attempt to jostle the
cap from his head. It was no use, and Sam had already come to realize it.
The android then turned off the lights and asked, “What
is the exit code?”
The pair sat in the darkness, trying to forget the
question. The android’s grip intensified.
The question was repeated, “What is the exit code?”
Sam struggled for breath and began pondering what Alpha
Two had said, it meant no harm to anyone.
As the feedback from Spectra's neural scans came through,
Alpha Two began deciphering the data into logical frames of information.
Although it didn't know the actual code, it was privy as to how many digits the
code contained. The question was asked again, and Alpha Two continued to home
in on questionable frames, with the frames already marked as possible linear
traces. With Spectra’s added processing of the information, the pair of
programs in cohesion produced three most likely combinations, and Delta Three
punched them in at the console. On the second entry the air-lock cracked open
as the air pressure began to drop.
Slowly, the door slid away revealing the lunar landscape.
Bright sunlight reflected from the surface and lit Alpha Two's face. It stepped
onto the dust as it had done so many times before but this time it looked to
the left, into the direction of the emergency Earth-return pod. Only the nose
of the pod was within vision, towering above the hard white shell of an
adjoining tunnel, the massive central dome further to the left. Alpha Two leapt
clear of the lunar surface and flicked the jetpack on, gliding over the tunnel before
switching it off and falling beside the pod's airlock. The airlock door was
only made apparent by emergency red and white paint outlining its frame. The
android dropped the jetpack onto the lunar surface.
Alpha Two tapped in an access number and the door sunk
inwards two inches then slid to the left revealing the small airlock, glowing
red. Once inside, the droid pressed a control button to reseal the door and the
airlock repressurized. A few seconds later the interior color changed to green,
indicating to proceed into the pod; Alpha Two pressed the entry button and the
final door to freedom opened.
Once inside the small craft, Alpha Two removed an
unrequired body capsule and threw it into the airlock before positioning its
massive frame into the middle seat of three and attaching a safety harness. The
android then interfaced with the pod's guidance system as the craft's airlock
hatch closed and outside four boosters ignited causing the craft to shudder. Alpha
Two overwrote the destination Earth access window to its preferred location:
the North-East Pacific Ocean.
5th November 2105 06:20
“So somebody with B-level clearance has got the balls to
sabotage an android,” said Stella agent Darcy Jones scratching his head. He had
just received news of the escaped Alpha Two android in the worst possible way.
Bioscope’s CEO, a now seething Clemence Bishop, had him via a video link.
“Yeah! Someone! That jack-hacker Helix Carone!” shrieked
Bishop. His plump face reddened with anger. The large screen tracked the
overweight Bishop as he paced behind a solid mahogany desk somewhere in Paris. He was a powerful man, perhaps as powerful as anybody on the planet and Darcy had now
accepted his own position as Bishop’s personal assassin.
Darcy had the unenviable task of roping in Carone—a
source-code runner known to be hiding out in the LA Fire Zone. Young, extremely
intelligent and slippery as code-ice. The assignment was going to be dangerous,
but the money put up by Bishop made it worthwhile. Besides, it had been a while
since the last piece of real action.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but Carone went AWOL two years
ago,” he replied against better judgement.
Bishop almost screamed, spitting saliva as he spoke. “Two
years ago he worked on the Spectra system! Look, this little fucker's been
selling more confidential information than anyone before, ran off with source-code
that has turned Bioscope into a second-base company. Information that your
pathetic fucking unit should have stopped. Why the hell did I set up Stella?
You people are as useless as the external authorities! At least now I'll
actually see your worth Darcy. It's gonna be a bit trickier than just wasting
some old man!”
“Yeah! This guy Carone had better still be Mr nice guy,
not turned into some Zone knuckle head or I'm as good as cat fry,” he replied,
agitated at Bishop’s tone. The dossier on Helix Carone had not painted a cold
blooded killer, and in the Zone that was becoming rare.
Darcy thought back on his meeting with Carone a month ago
in the Fire Zone where he had posed as a fence dealing in load—hacked information,
under the alias Demeron. The meeting was brief and uneventful, Darcy detailed
corporate inside information his fake client was interested in. By chance
Carone had posted him positive news only a few days ago.
“Get on and hook up that meeting, forget Frisco—Maxine will
get someone else to cover,” said Bishop as he stopped pacing and leaned forward
placing two plump hands on the desk and peered into the camera. “We finally get
the ban lifted on autonomous AIs then this, I want Helix Carone scanned then
A snapshot of Bishop's face was left as a frozen swollen
image on the screen as he closed the call. Darcy immediately hit the console to
get rid of the image. On meeting Carone, Darcy never would have suspected him
capable of such malice, information running sure, but this—this wasn’t Carone’s forte. He placed his
briefcase on the glass coffee table, opened it and took out a small clip Carone
had issued him. He inserted the clip into the side of the console deck before
leaning back into the soft leather of the hotel sofa and lit a cigarette. Smoking
didn’t effect the agent’s fitness, the smoke was filtered by his favorite
implant and the nicotine extracted and injected cleanly into his blood stream.
The display screen on the opposing wall lit up with the
words—'Welcome to secure communication. Encryption protocol engaged, please
wait…' It took almost half a cigarette before there was a link established.
“Helix,” came the fugitives answer, accompanied by a
green artificial face displayed on the screen.
“Mr Helix, I hear you've got some load.”
exactly what you were after.”
“I need that real quick.”
“How quick?”
“Tomorrow?” The fugitive paused and the face frowned a
little. “Tomorrow—check into
the Malba hotel tonight, you know the drill.”
“I'll wait for
instructions.” Darcy closed the connection and took a hard drag on his
cigarette sensing the fugitive’s apprehension. He removed the clip and returned
it to his briefcase, while the possible scenarios for tomorrow raced through
his head. If Carone did have some hand to play in the sabotage, then he would
surely beef-up security for any future transactions. On the other hand, if he
had nothing to do with the android's sabotage, he would hear it on the news in
which case he would be just as precautious realizing that he would be a prime suspect
having worked on Spectra. Either way, Darcy concluded that this time he was
really putting his life on the line. He had never been a plug before, a beacon
for the Feds to home in on, and the Fire Zone was new territory.
He checked his watch, it was only six-thirty in the
morning. He then strolled to the mini bar, opening a black lacquered fridge
door and removed a bottle of orange juice. So, I’m finally going to the Fire
Zone to extract Carone, the most esteemed of all information runners. He
knew one day he would be called upon for such an extraction. In his profession,
he knew the Zone would some day beckon his presence. Most information runners
had backup of some kind and manage to re-immerse themselves back within utopian
society with bogus identities, but not Carone. Helix Carone’s was definitely no
more than a five minute plan and run, with the essence of his very being
traceable anywhere, it was little wonder he ended up there.
“Darcy?” The screen was now lit up with Maxine, his boss.
She was sitting behind a large grey desk and wore a stylish beige suit that
complemented her figure. She had a slightly Asian appearance with black hair
pulled tight into a tail at the back. Darcy had a wry smile as he considered that
Maxine would have bore the ruthless brunt of Bishop’s fury.
“Accept,” said Darcy.
“You've heard the news? I would've let you know myself, but—well
you know Bishop. So you up for it?”
“Always up for it Maxi,” he replied with a cheeky
grin and began strolling towards the screen adding, “So when does the return
pod touchdown?”
“It wont. It will be blown out of the sky in about three
“You hope. So Bishop wants this Helix Carone scanned. You
knew him didn't you?”
“I spoke to him occasionally. Nice guy. Much—how do you say, real-world. Nothing
like half the other freaks. Down to Earth, strange as it may seem as he was our
finest programmer—” Maxine was
about to continue but was interrupted.
“Sounds like he took your fancy, and I thought you as
being above the nerds.”
“Yes, well you obviously have a typically mono view of
stereotypes, don't you Darcy. Now, to work. Get the meeting arranged with
“Which satellite hotel?”
“The Malba.” Darcy lit another cigarette.
“Make the arrangements with the hotel, I'll handle the
“OK. And this backup—I want at least two hovers. That's twenty blues in the air, base
them at strategic points within a five-kilometer radius of the Zone.”
“I'll do my best—but
you know there won't be many volunteers to go into the Fire Zone.”
“I want full hover squads Maxi and that's final!” Darcy
took a seat on the leather sofa and tapped the console while issuing a voice
command. “Console, load map LA Fire Zone.” Instantly an opaque map overlaid the
screen view of Maxine. “Well this is it, the LA Fire Zone—living quarters for society’s outcasts, the
abandoned and outlaws alike. The hovers should be placed strategically somewhere
within the radius, indicated in red. Get them down early, out of sight ready
for my signal. I want to be sure that one of them can get to my location within
a few minutes.”
“Yes, or if our Zone source can pinpoint the meeting
place prior to you going in, we can place them in one area for a quick strike.”
“You really have been in the office too long Maxi. Any
source for inside info can't be relied upon. This source, who?”
Maxine stood up for a closer look at the map. “The same guy
that informed us Carone was in the Zone. He’s working on getting close to the
“Doyce? That dead head infiltrating Zone Security? You’re
kidding! No way us suckers are gonna get that lucky—in our case he'll probably throw us way off,
forget it. Oh, and that Frisco meeting by the way, you got Garnet on that?”
“No. Hamilton.”
“He's got a predisposition to I.T. We need someone with
technical smarts, not just another Stella Agent with ZX2 hangover.”
“ZX2 hangover?” Darcy felt he was being categorized as an
ammo head, like Garnet.
“Well you have both credentials, don't you Darcy—you know your stuff, which is why I
appointed you number one. Of course which is actually number two after me.”
Maxine's figure and smiling face was a general
distraction behind the map. “Console map off,” said Darcy taking a drag on his
cigarette adding, “Yeah, well the idea ain’t that flash with me Maxi. This
guy's gonna be as paranoid and suspicious as a freakin' stim junkie, just
better be the same nice guy you spoke to two years ago. Me a damn plug!” Darcy
exhaled a small cloud. “Fucking implants—”
“Losing your nerve Darcy? I'm sure Bishop has made it
worthwhile. Now get packed and head for LA, I'll give you an update in transit.
I'll push for three hovers and get the Feds up to date. Chin up. Ciao.”
Again the screen was left with a still image, but this
time Darcy left the attractive snapshot of his boss. He rarely got to meet her
in the flesh as she was mostly confined to the Paris Bioscope head office. Although
she could handle herself as effectively as any Stella agent, she was now
ordained as an office girl and Clemence Bishop's personal bodyguard.
Darcy stood and walked towards the screen muttering, “Honey,
Frisco's a walk in the park.”
The emergency Earth-return pod continued to shake hard as
the friction with the Earth’s upper atmosphere seared the outside of the
vehicle upon re-entry. In front of Alpha Two the glass window glowed amber.
The android re-checked the pod’s gauges as the expanse of
the Pacific Ocean appeared to cool the flaming orange beyond the window. Alpha
Two’s location was right on target. It unbuckled its seat harness as the
shuttle continued its automated descent. It then reached forward to a panel
next to its feet and ripped it open. The android pushed its right hand behind
the panel and removed a large metal plate, a magnet that was welded to a looped
wire handle. It also removed a navy-blue self inflating safety vest and a thick
steel rod. It unzipped the top of its suit and slipped the vest and magnet inside
an inner pocket before re-zipping it. Then the android proceeded to smash one
of the glass windows of the shuttle with the steel rod. The window cracked upon
the first blow. Splintered more upon the second. Then whoosh! A large
hole formed sucking the cabin air and causing the android to almost lose its
hold of the rod. The hole was far from large enough for its frame, so the
android continued to smash away fragments until it was. Alpha Two then let go
of the steel rod which was immediately sucked out of the cabin.
Alpha Two placed a hand either side of the gaping hole
and guided itself through, allowing the air suction to pull its large body
through and kicked its feet at the last second, propelling itself away from the
pod to begin its free-fall descent.
The android placed each arm at its side and arched its
body causing it to distance itself away from the pod. It straightened, hurtling
through the air like a guided missile, further and further away from the pod,
and as such, away from the authorities that would be searching for it.
Far below the blue ocean was speckled with the reflection
of the midday sun broken occasionally by small tufts of white clouds. The
android’s synthetic black hair was windswept directly back, and its blue eyes
continued to scan the heavens for any sign of its enemy. The android checked
its global position via its onboard hardware, ascertaining a slightly more
north-easterley direction was required and so arched its body again until the
correct heading was achieved.
Alpha Two had to ensure its touchdown was within the
busiest shipping channel, otherwise it would never make it to shore. The registered
distance to the oceans surface ticked over as the android’s velocity increased,
twelve hundred meters, eight hundred. Alpha Two placed its hands together, flattened,
and stretched them as far in front of its head as it could reach. Three hundred
meters. The droid’s body was perfectly perpendicular to the ocean’s surface,
then slam!
The water rushed around the android like a torrent of Niagara Falls, forcing it to spin forwards into the foetal position as the depths began to
slow the machine. At the surface, a spire of white water projected twenty
meters into the air. White air bubbles surrounded the android as it reached
inside its suit and removed the inflatable vest. It pulled a cord on the vest,
causing it to inflate and was dragged back to the ocean surface.
Alpha Two clutched the vest firmly as it rechecked its
position was correct then placed its arms into the vest and strapped it
securely. There it bobbed and waited. The sea was calm and gentle as the
android was lifted and dropped by the roles of aerated water.
In all directions the vast blue expanse relinquished no
suggestion that the android was within the busy Asia to Los Angeles shipping
channel. Alpha Two now knew it had to be patient, and for that matter, conserve
its energy. It shutdown all but the necessary systems, and set an algorithm to
ensure one of its arms would keep the android pointing west, into the direction
of an incoming ship. And waited.
For two hours the android floated atop the gentle ocean
surface. At one point, a curious pod of dolphins inspected the android,
circling around and occasionally nudging Alpha Two.
Then Alpha Two spotted it. On the horizon, a gigantic
container ship loomed ominously. Occasionally it would disappear from sight as
the android fell into a trough of the ocean current, then reappear. It looked
foreign, like it didn’t belong to the majestic ocean, but it had more right to
be there than the android.
Alpha Two noticed it could see more of the right hand
side of the ship and so manoeuvred itself to ensure it remained head on to it,
into its path. The android knew it was going to sap a large amount of its
energy reserve to remain in such a position right up to the crucial moment, the
point where it would attach the magnetic plate to its hull.
As the giant ship drew closer, Alpha Two ditched the vest
and tore the suit completely off revealing its blue-sheened naked body. It began
to sink. Alpha Two was not buoyant. It then swam hard, peering through the
water and occasionally swimming to resurface and ensure it was still within the
path of the ship. The algorithms implanted by the saboteur ensured the
android’s swimming abilities were on par with the dolphins who had just
visited. It surged through the water, flexing its body and kicking both feet
together, guiding itself with hands stretched out in front.
Alpha Two could now see the hull from under the water
approaching fast. The android stopped swimming and allowed its body to sink. It
sank further and further as the ship loomed ever closer. The giant steel
structure now began to pass overhead, until the deeper section of the hull
brushed Alpha Two. The android attached the magnetic plate, clunk!
With its hand looped through the wire attached to the
plate, and firmly gripping its base, Alpha Two again shut down all but its
essential systems. Soon it would be in Los Angeles Harbor.
5th November 2105 17:30
To do a deal with a Zone Security System
member, you have to send in a body—one that is still breathing. Helix
considered grimly to himself that bodies were common in the Zone, mostly dead
ones. So far he hadn’t added to the tally. Maybe it was just a matter of time?
In the Zone, the traders are called satellites—stemming
from the fact that they are required to spend a night in a ZSS operated hotel
on the outskirts of the Fire Zone prior to a meeting being arranged on the
inside—they’re usually disposable front-men sent in by legitimate businesses.
Two hard case satellites sat in front of
Helix. The smaller of the two was slouched in his chair with a neural-cap upon
his head, under the trance of the neural-net. Overhead,
the asbestos roof of the abandoned warehouse thundered beneath the downpour.
The trio sat at a plastic table in the center of the warehouse.
The larger satellite had a nervous twitch.
He kept looking from left to right then back again, occasionally going for a
glance over either shoulder, before returning his attention to Helix where his
left eye would blink rapidly, and the side of his face would twitch in unison.
“First time in the Zone?” asked Helix.
The man nodded.
“We’re pretty safe. ZSS have us covered.”
The man returned a blank face. Helix
noticed a faint scar running down the man’s left cheek, from his left eye to
beneath his chin. Something to explain the twitch perhaps, but he sure looked
“Let’s see what security level we’re on,”
said Helix placing the ZSS spectacles over his eyes, confirming he was still
online. He looked around the empty warehouse. The three exit doors were framed
in neon green, with the rest of the building framed similarly in blue. In the
top left flashed the words, security level 5.
“Security level five,” said Helix
adding, “If it was three or under, I would probably jack your friend there out,
and start making moves.”
The man grimaced and nodded.
“You know much about the ZSS?” asked
“In the Zone, they’re worth every
penny—if you’re not in a set. Sole traders like myself wouldn’t survive five
minutes without them. Right now, I’m walking down the main street towards this warehouse,
jumping from camera to camera as it were. They’ve got these tiny cameras
cemented to the walls, and these specs tap into them. Every nook and cranny of
Zone territory is scanned and mapped into the three-dimensional virtual Zone.”
“Virtual Zone?”
“It’s kinda like being in a game, only
its real, and you only get one life. Let’s say the security level dropped to two.
The ZSS would find an escape route for me, and plug it into the virtual Zone.
That would then project a neon green path, overlaying whatever I’m looking at
through these specs. I just need to run like a dog towards whatever is green,
and keep the fuck away from neon red.” Helix laughed. “That’s the badies!”
The small satellite removed the neural-cap
from his head and pulled himself to sit upright in his chair. His bleached
blond hair immediately returned to spikes that pointed to all corners of the
cosmos. “The hardware’s good. Very, very smooth. I usually feel a little
nauseous after returning from cyberspace, but now I feel fine. I’m impressed.”
“It’s the embedded software I coded. I’m
glad you appreciate the difference from the other crap on the market,” said
Helix, returning the goggles to sit across his forehead.
The man nodded. His blue eyes were deep
and focused. Helix always paid close attention to the eyes. They can tell a lot
about a person. Tell tale signs of implants, drugs, or too much pyschestim use.
This man had none.
“So, we have a deal?” asked Helix.
“On final approval of my boss. Then we
do,” replied the man.
Helix was in no mood to hang around after a deal which was
as good as clinched. A consignment of two hundred neural-net caps with software
to be delivered to a location somewhere outside the Zone. Besides, they weren't
his type, hard-cases that were about as interesting as broadcast television.
“When your boss is happy with the merchandise, run this
console patch, it will allow me to make secure contact with you and I'll then
advise where to deposit the down-payment,” said Helix and passed the clip to
the blond man who promptly placed it in a shirt pocket.
“How long for the second batch?”
“Mid next month—I'll have another hundred ready, you can
pack that one and take it for your boss to try.”
“No chance of that, a friend of his got fried some years
“Oh? Well, as I said, those caps are hardware fused, even
if some asshole breaks the software, the cap will just shut down at the first
sign of neural interference giving the rider a smooth transition back to
“He won't risk becoming a vegetable at any odds. We've
got a tech back at base—he'll run some tests.” The smaller satellite stood up
and handed the neural-cap to his larger accomplice who carefully placed it in
his briefcase.
Helix shook hands with the small man, however, by now it
was obvious that the larger man was just security and offered no hand. After
they vacated the building, Helix gazed around the room shrugging his shoulders.
“The coast is clear,” crackled in his ear. “Helix, looks
like a security breach in the Malba again—we need IDs.”
Helix switched his microphone on. “What? At the Malba?”
“Yeah—and since your satellite Demeron arrived.”
“Well, I'll sleep a whole lot better tonight. Someone
find a bug?”
“Something like that.”
He made his way through the back door of the empty
warehouse and along a narrow alley to a row of adjoining garage doors. It had
been raining for the past couple of hours. Avoiding puddles was difficult. Arriving
at the last garage door, he crouched down to the base and ran his finger into a
small gap until he felt the tiny ID pad causing the door to unlock and open
automatically. He was a little uneasy that there was a security breach so soon
after dealing with unaccustomed satellites, however the coast was clear, and the
ZSS still had him monitored.
Inside the garage was a rented taxi shuttle. As with all
taxi shuttles in Zone territory, it was worn and almost due for the scrap heap,
left to see out its days working the formidable Zone streets. Helix climbed
aboard and removed his tablet which was rolled into a tube. He flattened the
tablet then logged into the ZSS system reading the caption heading aloud.
“Twelve unidentified satellites. Nope...nope..nope...”
He proceeded to flick through the images. Three he recognized,
two of whom he had just dealt with and another one—alias Demeron—was lined up
for a meeting tomorrow, the location yet to be set by the ZSS. Helix instructed
the shuttle to take him to his favourite ZSS-operated bar, Charlie’s, while
tapping in the names of satellites he recognized.
Since the bombs had hit the CBD of LA, the radiated zone
was left to decline under the control of its leveler population, the homeless
and the illegals. The disused office blocks turned into squats, stim junkies
and other addicts abandoned by the state now lived in office block communes. The
streets void and compassionless, the only time a police van dared enter the
Zone radius was to drop off more homeless—more levelers.
Those who entered the Zone of their own free will did so
for pleasure or for business. The externals or ‘Xs’ entered to make a quick
score and head for a club, others such as the satellites entered for
professional level transactions via the ZSS involving hacked information, cheap
illegally imported hardware, or just a big score.
Time in the Zone seemed redundant, like the tick never
made a sound, just an empty repetition of existence. Helix noticed this after
the first month, the cold repetition of time—repeated faces somehow worn that
little more each day.
Arriving at Charlie’s, he climbed from the shuttle,
leaving it to make its way for the next pickup and peered into the scanner. The
door opened slightly and he entered. Walking towards the bar he performed a two
fingered salute and nodded to the barman. “Usual, thanks Charlie.”
“Good day, Charlie?” asked Charlie, pouring a small glass
of Pernod which he passed to Helix. He called everyone Charlie, even the ladies—Helix
figured it was his way of saying 'I don't give a rats who ya are.'
“Yeah—OK Charlie, nothing that'll fry an egg.”
“Big Charlie was looking for you this morning.”
Helix was left to ponder who Big Charlie was. In
the Zone there were a lot of Big Charlies. He put his glass down. “You
mean Charlie with boys Charlie?”
“Yeah—that be the Charlie,” replied the barman.
“Us Charlie, or them Charlie?” asked Helix referring to
the type of industry that this particular Charlie traded.
“Mmm…” The barman stopped filling the fridge for a moment.
“This, that and the other—Charlie.”
“Oh. Shit, Big Charlie!”
“Yes—Mansutti!” Nodded the bartender, with a grin.
Well, at least the Charlie repetitions were over, but
what would the chief of anything loud in the Zone want? Helix hadn't seen him
for over a month and that was just over a brief drink in one of his nightclubs.
Thinking back to that meeting Helix smiled to himself about a story that
Mansutti had told him. About a man who had lost his body, but it was only funny
because he didn't believe it. People like Derek Mansutti had a lot of spare
time for stories.
“What's funny?” asked the barman.
“Ah—just some story Mansutti told me about a guy that got
stuck in the neural-net and lost his body,” replied Helix taking a sip on his
“Oh? So what's funny?”
“Well, it isn't true.”
“Oh, isn't it!” snapped the barman. “Try telling that to
his brother!”
“If that's true they would've isolated his body location
by now and jacked him out.”
“Would've, if it wasn't for the fact his body is being
constantly moved.”
Helix was blown away by the thought. To think it was actually
true, some poor bastard was trapped in cyberspace, the truly fictitious man-made
world. “This guy, you know him?”
“No—just heard of him. Mansutti and some heavies from the
Plato sets been making noise. Always diggin’ around for info on possible locations—Mansutti’s
even got the ZSS onto it.” Charlie paused for a moment before leaning forward
and quietly saying, “Lix—word of advice. Don't get too involved with Mansutti
or the Plato set.”
Helix agreed to himself. It was best to heed Charlie’s
advice, not that he ever got too involved with anyone in the Zone.
A light flashed at the top of the bar's console box
indicating an incoming call. “Charlie, is Helix there?” A hologram of a
familiar face appeared. It was Marlow.
“You here Lix?”
“Yeah, patch him through.”
“What's up Marz?” asked Helix while Charlie poured him
another glass of Pernod.
“Lix—you heard the news?” Marlow's face gazed out across
the bar, blind—Charlie never installed any cameras within the bar.
“News? What news?”
“Get Charlie to put CNN item one on—might be of interest
to you. I'll see you back at the pad.”
“Err...yeah, OK,” replied Helix. He wasn't sure what
could be so interesting to him. “OK with you, Charlie? Put the news on?”
Marlow’s face disappeared as Charlie switched to the
latest news bulletin. The large holographic screen at the far side of the bar
lit up with a polished CNN news presenter…
News Item One:- Thank you for joining us. Further bad
news for the mega-tech company, Bioscope, today with the International Security
Agency being placed on high alert as the search continues for a rogue Bioscope
android that has escaped to Earth from the Lunar One research facility. The
Alpha model android overrode security systems in place at the facility and held
two engineers hostage but left them unharmed, before escaping in an emergency
return pod. It is believed that the droid has been sabotaged, but there is no
clear explanation why. The International Security Agency will be working around
the clock to retrieve the droid before it falls into the wrong hands.
Helix muttered, my God, beneath his breath as the revelations
echoed into some distant chamber of thought. The hologram now unfocussed and
tunnelled to the same point. His mouth was parched. A memory of his old friend
from Bioscope, Charles Langford, whom he had met in the Fire Zone just two
weeks prior was now firmly in the chamber of conscious thought. Helix recalled
what Langford had said.
Soon, Bioscope will lose an expensive employee from
far away, my dear friend. I want you to join him. Participate in his mission
as your own, and I will reward you both financially, and biometrically. That is
all I can tell you. If you’re captured and scanned, well, they, like you, will
know nothing.
Silence had befallen the bar, broken only by a few
whistles of approval and shouts of yeah!
Helix shook his head in disbelief. A fucking android!
That was the expensive employee!
“Jesus! What do you reckon Lix?” by now Charlie was
halfway down the bar with his back to Helix.
It took a while for Helix to register the question before
answering, “Dunno. Probably—well most likely someone wants some gear, maybe got
a company like Aminox lined up.” Helix reached for a bottle of water and poured
a glass, taking it to his lips as efficiently as possible.
“Yeah—or terrorists—who knows?” Charlie turned. “Fucking
shit! I don't like this technology crap—before you know it we'll be the
animals, serving some fucking machine—not good, not good at all.”
Helix wasn't listening. He recalled the brief meeting
with Langford. A six digit code Langford had given him and a software clip. Helix
tapped his breast pocket reassuring himself that it was still there. On further
investigation of the clip, he had found it to be a broadcast clip, a neural-net
locator used to connect two parties within cyberspace. Helix had never
considered that the other party might be artificial.
The meeting had turned quite sombre, Langford speaking as
if he knew an end was coming. It did, he died three days ago in a freak shuttle
Jesus Chuck. The bastards killed you didn’t they?
Helix knocked back the remaining Pernod and promptly
poured a fresh glass from a bottle the barman had left. He thought back on Langford,
the old man had been his closest ally at Bioscope and enlightened him to the
malpractices of the multi-national biotech company. A company now run by a megalomaniac
named Clemence Bishop. Langford had founded the company with Bishop’s deceased
father Harry, and had regretfully relinquished much control of the business
Langford had become a true friend during his early
apprentice years, guiding and tutoring Helix through the complex issues involved
with AI construct development.
“Charlie? What time was that broadcast?” asked Helix,
interrupting more of the barman's prophecies.
Pressing the appropriate console button, the time of the
original broadcast was displayed at the top of the hologram: November-5-2105
1130—six hours ago.
The broadcast continued, time stamp: November-5-2105 1430
…Item One Update:- The International Security Agency has
recovered the emergency return pod used by the Alpha Two android. However,
there is still no sign of the droid. Agency media liaison staff have indicated
that the craft was located and followed prior to it splashing down somewhere
off the California coast, but were stunned to find they were chasing an empty
vehicle. It appears that the android opted to free-fall from a considerable
height immediately after re-entering the Earth's atmosphere…With me now is a
senior engineer from Bioscope who may be able to enlighten us to just how this
could have happened…
Helix watched as a Bioscope representative was asked some
difficult questions by the presenter about the android's abilities and came to
the conclusion that there was now on the loose a walking, talking super-human whose
only requirement for kinetic energy was a three-hour charge obtainable just
about anywhere on the planet.
Charlie was not impressed. He threw a dishcloth hard into
the side of the bar and turned to Helix. “What’s it all coming to? These
fucking androids! They’ll have a whole army of the rubber fuckers soon! They’ll
probably send ‘em into this shithole, ya know, clean the Zone up!”
Charlie was right. Just ask anyone on the planet. Enough
paranoia had been embedded into the populous mindset courtesy of nightmarish
movies dating back over one hundred years. The average citizen of 22nd
Century Earth was vehemently opposed to letting an artificial intelligence free
range. Helix recalled the day they were given approval to work on Lunar One.
Riots in Paris and demonstrations across the globe that lasted weeks.
Convincing the world to trust Spectra was the underlying breakthrough for
Bioscope. Now, thanks to Langford, all that was reversed.
Helix wanted to get the broadcast clip connected to the
net and see if the android was jacked in. The anti-tech sentiments expressed by
Charlie were also starting to get the better of him, so he finished his drink
and left the bar, his mind in disarray over the implications of the news cast
and tainted with alcohol.
Back at his apartment on the fifteenth floor of one of the
many converted office blocks, Helix began listing the extra security
precautions he would have to consider. This was big. As a chief Spectra
programmer at Bioscope, and now on the run, Helix knew he would be a prime
suspect for sabotage of the autonomous AI project. Worse still, if Stella knew
he was in the Zone, they just might take the plunge for his extraction.
Helix logged into the Zone Security System on his
console. Three-dimensional holograms of satellites imaged from within the Malba
Hotel hovered behind his desk. He slowly tapped them through, attempting to
trigger any residual memory of Stella agents he had met in the past. He stopped
on Demeron, smartly dressed in a business suit with cropped jet black hair. The
image slowly rotated.
The short notice this particular satellite had given him
to arrange a meeting was suspect. Sure Helix had dealt with him before, and
recently he had posted the guy a line on some load from a source he knew Demeron
was interested in, but why the hurry? Am I getting paranoid? Maybe this guy
was just needing the info before a change on the stock market. One thing is for
sure, if he is a Stella agent, one of Bioscope’s own, all the security
precautions the ZSS throw at him wont blow his cover.
Helix tapped into the console. ZSS UsersClient:
DEMERON:::Password: ******.
The profile for the meeting came up.
Helix said,“Mids. I want Virtual Zone assistance. This Demeron
has got sus—full implant scan required.”
Helix pressed post then logged
out of the System, rocking back in his chair. He glanced again at the image of
Demeron and then abruptly snapped to as there was a tap on the door.
“Lix?” Marlow's face lit up on a screen pasted
to the inside of the apartment door as several deadbolts shuddered and the door
opened. “Hey Lix, big news,” said Marlow placing a large box on the floor and
closing the door behind him. He had the typical appearance of an average
leveler, long scruffy hair and unshaven. His face was brimming with excitement
at the news, an excitement not shared by Helix, not in the same way.
“Yeah, big news,” sighed Helix.
“What's the matter? The meeting went
alright?” asked Marlow noticing the enlarged face of Demeron hovering behind
the desk.
“Productive, we've got two hundred caps
lined up.”
“Sweet! Knew they wouldn't pass these
babies up. So what you think about this droid?” asked Marlow folding his arms
and leaning on the back of the sofa.
“Nothing? But what you think, terrorists?”
“Jesus! Lix? You look like someone's
knocked your wind out.” Marlow picked the box up from the floor and walked to
the far side of the room where a wall of shelves housed various electrical
componentry. He placed the box upon another and turned to face Helix. “So you
gonna tell me what's up?”
Helix thought about the consequences of
telling Marlow. It wasn't that he didn't trust Marlow, but telling him was one
more brain loaded with enough to link Langford and possibly screw the old man's
plans, so Helix opted to tell Marlow even less than he himself already knew. “I
met someone—from Bioscope, two weeks ago and made a...well a kind of pact.”
“A pact?”
“Well, I haven't much to tell, and
before you jump to any conclusions that we're gonna start trading in robots, I
can assure you that I had nothing to do with the sabotage of that android. But
I think I know who did.”
“Who? No, don't answer that—the person you met?”
Helix stood and walked towards the full-length
window and gazed out at the streams of shuttles running along a line beyond the
next tower.
“Well, that's who I think was
responsible. What I would like to know is, why.”
“And does the who give any clues
as to why?”
Helix turned to face Marlow. “Nope.”
Marlow pointed to the image of Demeron.
“What's with the face?”
“A satellite I'm meeting tomorrow—got some load for him. In light of current circumstances I'd rather
pull out—but this guy,” Helix shook his head adding, “is way too lucrative.”
(NB:- this is a skip of one chapter to Chapter 7, introducing an eleven year old girl named Peppi)
Peppi was pleased that, as the day's forecast had predicted,
it was a perfect day within the Paris neural-net simulation. She strolled
through the park on the way to her favorite café. In the distance she could see
a lady crouched down at the lake’s edge, feeding the ducks pieces broken from
of a loaf of bread. Peppi decided to approach the lady; she really needed to
“Hello—I could almost say it is really a lovely
day!” said Peppi with a beaming smile.
“Well, yes. It's far better here than the real weather
today,” replied the lady.
“Oh, is it?” asked Peppi.
“Yes, haven't you been outside today?” asked the lady.
“Er no—no I haven't,” replied Peppi.
“Oh, well you only need to glance through a window to
see, there's a torrent, its dreadful, so I thought I might relax in the neural-net
where the weather is fine, and feed the ducks!” The lady stood up and turned to
Peppi. “Can't do any harm every now and then—you're rather young to be in the
neural-net unsupervised, is that your real profile?”
“Yes. I'm eleven, but I am supervised—rather, by some
very expensive hardware, though I wish I weren’t.”
“You mean your parents are not monitoring you?”
“That’s right.”
“And they think just some expensive hardware is enough?”
“No—no I don't have any parents.”
“Oh. I'm sorry, how intrusive of me!” said the lady.
“Here, help me feed the ducks, what is your name?”
“Peppi,” she replied taking a crust from the lady. “And
“I'm Kate. Do you live locally? I'm from just a few
blocks away.”
“I live in Paris,” replied Peppi, clutching her long,
black hair back from her face as she threw the last piece of bread into the
“Yes? Near here?” asked the lady.
“I love the water—” Peppi crouched down at the water’s
edge and ran her hand across the surface. “I’m a very good swimmer.” She began
to stutter as she tried to get the next sentence out, “U...u...un..I'm sorry—”
“No don't worry, it's OK if you stutter.”
“I don't stutter, normally, in the real world. There's
some things I'm just unable to say. You see, it's the hardware.”
Kate looked stunned. “Oh! That's some hardware alright—why
on Earth does it prevent you from...talking?”
Peppi stood and faced the lady. “I suppose if I could
tell you, well, then I would, but the stuttering—it prevents that also. Anyway,
it was still nice talking to you, I've got to see someone now at Cafe de
“Oh. OK Peppi,” said the lady, still puzzled.
Damn Bishop’s hardware! Peppi thought as she turned
and made her way across the embankment returning to the footpath. She stopped
for a moment and cast an affectionate smile towards the lady, and they both
waved goodbye. The footpath continued alongside the lake as in the real Paris. The park in the virtual Paris however was never as populated as the real park, even
on such a beautiful day within the neural-net.
As Peppi strolled, she thought of the man she fondly knew
as her Papa, Charles Langford. They would often walk through the park. She
hadn't received a word from him in three days, he would always tell her things
to cheer her up when she was down, but now the reason for her gloom was his
absence and there wasn't anyone to comfort her, except perhaps Gustave. He
would surely be busy serving drinks to business associates involved in virtual
meetings who ironically would be left sober and empty once jacked-out from the
Crossing the
road to arrive at the café nestled beneath overhanging vines, her usual table
for two was vacant and she sat with the park to her left. The waiter she so
desperately needed to speak to was yet to be seen. At one table sat a group of
well-dressed businessmen and at another, a man and lady who appeared to be in
great spirits, as if they were long lost friends reunited at last—the neural-net's
forte. Occasionally the lady would scream with laughter, covering her mouth and
rocking into the back of the chair before leaning forward and saying, 'Yes,
that's right' and 'Oh, he did didn't he!' The positive emotions were washing
over Peppi and now at least she didn't feel quite so depressed and lonely.
It was while
staring at the couple in a vague daydream state, with random thoughts of Papa
flashing through her mind, that she felt a warm hand take hold of her arm. It
was Gustave.
“Bonjour Peppi—and
where have you been this week?” said Gustave before taking the seat opposite. Gustave
wore a white double-breasted shirt, black slacks and dark slick hair hanging over
heavy eye-brows. “Peppi? What's wrong?” he asked.
“I'm worried—”
“Peppi is
worried? What possibly could worry such a bright and beautiful young lady?”
She began to
cry. Tears of pure reason trickled down her pale skin. “Papa still hasn’t
contacted me, it's been three days. Not a word, nothing, I fear something has
happened to him. He usually contacts me two or three times a day.”
“Don't worry
Peppi, I'm sure he is OK,” said Gustave, removing a handkerchief from his
pocket and handing it to Peppi.
Peppi blew
her nose. “No!” she sniffled. “He would have contacted me. You remember what I
told you he said to me when we last spoke? You see, he knew something was
wrong. He knew!” Peppi continued to cry. “I'm so worried Gus—I'm so lonely.”
“Peppi, I'm
here. You know you don't need to feel so lonely—and what about your friends? Er—Aimee
and Gabrielle?”
“My neural-net
friends, virtual friends, Papa was real—is real, he wa I can't tell you
what I need to say, you know, becau…be…because—” Peppi continued to stutter,
“I…I…” It proved too difficult so she gave up and continued to cry.
“Well, wherever
your Papa is—you know I'm still here Thursday and Friday nights. I work in the
real Cafe de Daumesnil, so whenever you're finally allowed, you come in and see
me, and I'll fix you up a real strawberry thick shake just the way you like—OK?”
“OK—one day,”
said Peppi with a courageous smile, wiping her tears away.
“Right then,”
replied Gustave. He looked at his mini-tab before adding, “OK, I'll just fix
these orders and then I'll be back.” He stood up and looked down at Peppi and
said, “Cheer up Peppi, I’m sure there is a simple explanation as to why Papa
hasn’t spoken to you. I'll get you your usual?”
“No, just a
glass of water—thank you.”
This was the
first time Peppi had spoken to Gustave in a week, normally it would be at least
three times a week, but with her mind numbed by the disappearance of Papa, she
opted to wallow alone in her room, reluctant to put a neural-cap on. She was
almost certain that she would never see Papa again.